Kristina Brown, Manager/Owner

407-869-9609, Fax 407-386-7237

Lynne Huston, Manager/Owner

407-221-0036, Fax 407-386-7237

Nichole Blake, Account Manager/Licensed Title Agent

561-236-8917, Fax 561-828-3106

Cheryl Work, Account Manager/ Licensed Title Agent
407-461-4566, Fax 407-386-7237

Kate Crockett, Director of Marketing


Leslie Mikesell, Post Closing/Policies

​Shea Brittian, Processor/Closer



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Copyright © Brownstone Title Services, LLC. All rights reserved.

What is Title Insurance? When a property is financed, bought or sold, a record of that transaction is generally filed in public archives. Likewise, records of other events that may affect the ownership of a property, like liens or levies, are also archived. When you buy title insurance for your property, Brownstone Title searches these records to find - and remedy, if possible - several types of ownership issues. First, we search public records to determine the property's ownership status. After this search, our underwriter, First American will determine the insurability of the title. Some risks, such as title issues due to filing errors, forgeries, or undisclosed heirs, are difficult to identify. So after the WE finish itS searcH, it also provides a title insurance policy that will help protect you from a variety of issues that might be uncovered later.


Call Today at 407-869-9609